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One Show Submission

Project Human: EMpathy To EQuality

A One ShowThe Young Ones submission by Katie Tugend, Rita Sipe, Kayla Davis, and Kristen Lick.

Contestants were given a brief called "Empathy to Equality," which addressed global gender inequality.

Project Human:

The discussion of gender equality thus far has not been about equality. It's been about gender. Gender Equality has become a conversation where we talk about men, but not to them. Where we don't even acknowledge any other gender but female and male. And where we focus on the negative/overly dramatic/scare tactic approach. But you can't expect people to rally behind a negative message. Instead, people will flock to positivity on their own. If you connect them with something deeper, they will more naturally empathize with one another.

Project Human believes that having understanding and empathy for those who are different than you is just the first step to embracing gender equality. Educating and caring about other people will release all pressure to live up to an expectation of "gender" which affects our society socially, politically and professionally. We believe that the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of equality are one in the same. It's human instinct to want to be happy. The day that everyone, of all genders, is understood and unites, we will create a world of true opportunity, harmony and acceptance. That day, is when we will all find happiness.